Award-winning author, Terrence McCauley has joined Team Physique Bodyware to bring you this exclusive FREE holiday giveaway! Place an order by December 24th, 2022 and you could win an autographed copy of the best seller Sympathy For The Devil. We will randomly pick winners with orders placed now ’till 12/24/2022.…
Physique Bodyware Blog
WARNING! STOP WEARING BASKETBALL SHORTS ON LEG DAY NOW! WE CAN HELP YOU AVOID CHICKEN LEGS! LEARN MORE Unlike the more flashier upper body muscles – most notably chest and biceps – leg development is often neglected, much to the detriment of those seeking a balanced physique with high overall levels of…
1. What are probiotic organisms and prebiotics and why do you add them to your protein powders? Answer: Simply put, probiotic organisms are the friendly bacteria that we should all have in our intestines to help us break down the food we eat and to assist with nutrient absorption. On…
Avoid fruits because they’re high in sugar- Almost all fresh fruits are low glycemic so it doesn’t spike your insulin levels, which cause your body to store fat. If you’re looking to get ripped and lose weight, eating most fruits are healthy. There are a few exceptions, watermelon is high-glycemic…
Supplement plan for bodybuilding success: What are the best options? Modern technology and the wonders of science have increasingly made our lives efficient and more productive than ever. Where once we would have had to walk miles just to begin our workday, now, due to advances in automotive technology we…
Physique Bodyware offers essential must-have nutrition for bodybuilders! You could take a multi vitamin/mineral supplement but nothing beats eating your way to a leaner more effecient muscle building machine with a little help from Mother nature. Vitamin A- Necessary for protein synthesis, the basis for muscle building growth. Vitamin A…
Eat like a Strongman. Dr. Franco Columbu, former Mr. Olympia winner and costar of the movie ‘Pumping Iron,’ on what really works! Franco Columbu, former Mr. Olympia & Mr. Everything, says, “Hey, you, eat a bagel!” Back when he was considered one of the World’s Strongest Men, renowned bodybuilder Franco…
Fat loss low carb diets are out! According to Physique Bodyware it’s time to get lean, lose fat and strart training again! Here are the top tips you need to eat smart, get ripped and stay lean for life. With our 8 basic simple rules you will look better, feel…
Surviving the Gym: A Beginner’s Guide. You’ve finally done it. Instead of paying lip service every time you stuff your face with pizza, you’ve actually chosen to get off your derrière, expend the energy and make the necessary sacrifices. Changes are on the way. You’re devoted to the cause. And,…
Here’s an Old School contest winning Ab routine used over the years by countless IFBB bodybuilders and Physique Bodyware fitness models, and it works! Killer Ab muscles take a lot of hard work and time. If you follow this gut bustin’ Ab routine for 3 months along with a clean,…