
My God you all are just wonderful….I recieved the package today at 1400hrs (2:00pm)The package is great!
I will have to say my assistant Cary was a little upset replying that their are female soldiers in the army too, and it was not fair that the world always thinks of a soldier as males not females. So I told her a little white lie that the ladies stuff hasn’t arrived yet be patient (Ooops).
I will be heading out to all the Northern Camps on Tuesday and I will ensure I take Photos of all.
At any rate Team Physique You are a blessing to us here in Iraq. First and foremost, I would like to say that I think I speak for every deployed soldier and their families waiting back home when I say that what TEAM PHYSIQUE is doing is a very good thing spiritually, physically, and patriotically, and that it is an honor to know that there are people out there that are doing these things for our nations heroes.
Thank you very much for everything!
“I would like to personally again thank you and say GOD BLESS YOU for what you are doing for our soldiers. This INVALUABLE gift from you will make this year or more of separation from friends/families A LOT easier to bear.” “We Just can’t run to a store and buy Fitness Apparel”
CW2 Jonn Robinson
FYI: The image with Saddam’s head is after the statue was pulled down, the Iraqis broke it into pieces and dragged this head around through the streets while others — including children — pounded it with shoes, an act considered a supreme insult in the Arab world!